Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Things I Saw Today Deux

1. A brownie with walnuts on a clear plate.

2. Three gulf fratilleries liteing on and off on the jasmine outside my window.

3. A photo of a man who had been hit by a rocket in Afghanistan while driving a tanker of fuel to a northern town. One arm was gone and the right index finger on the remaining arm was frozen in a position as though he was constantly pointing.

4. 23 bags of red t-shirts sitting on a table in a kitchen.

5. A horse that I once thought was dead standing in a corral on the corner of Krameria and Dauchy.

6. A flu shot schedule.

7. A cheap silver skull ring that a punk kid was wearing on his pinky finger.

8. A portly lady with a car jammed full with kids getting a ticket for parking in a loading zone for at least a half hour.

9. Six crows acting like crazy people on the wind.

10. A black and white picture of a lonesome cowpoke sitting with his horse on a bluff that overlooked the world.

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Blogger Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

a good exercise

pughalac: someone addicted to pugs

8:51 PM  
Blogger Billy Canary said...

pugilispic: a boxer with a lisp

3:34 PM  

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