Friday, August 08, 2008

Art! Art! Everywhere!

We went to the monthly Walk of Art downtown last night. Every month the Downtown Art Community opens up its gallery doors to the public and allows us to wander about like cultured cows in a 5 square block pasture of arty fulfillment. Talk about Global Warming! Mooo!!

There's about 15 of them galleries spread up and down Uni and Missing Inn Avenues. Some are beaugeouis corporate university affairs and in others, folks are slammin' whiskeys down the gullet of creativity.

We went to two uni and one proletariat gallery. Didn't see anything of much inspiration.

So we ended up at Las Pescados Restaurant, which specializes in fish. I had a Mess. It was great.

There were a lot of peeps down there tho. I guess that's a start.

We saw old pal Dirk and his Ma and Pa. Pa has this great white Santa beard that doesn't come off. He and Ma run a proletariat gallery on Limon St. Dirk is finishing up a degree in pschology and doing photography of nekkid women. He used to do these assemblages of radio parts, transistors and plastic dinosaurs. I think he's moved in the right direction. It was nice to see them. It's been a number of years.

Leems and I went to the Folk Music Center yesterday to by some CDs/tickets to the Dr. Dog/Delta Spirit concert at the El Rey in LA tonight. Scoped out a nifty guitar once owned by Ben Harper that I would like to own.

Leems was out til 5 AM last night doing what he gleefully calls vandalism. He and his fellow vandals hung hundreds of paper aeroplanes in a local park, a la Christo, for the neighborhood kids with a sign saying "These aeroplanes are for you to play with. Please pick up your trash".

Other recent "vandalism": An actual size Ahnold in his muscley days wheat pasting on a giant utility pole and an 8 foot angel wheat pasting at the site of the tragic death of a 16 year old motorcyclist on a local school parking lot. Someone defaced the Ahnold a bit. The "Vandals" were going to "bloody" his wounds last night.

Shoulda had the Walk of Art at the "Vandal's" sights.


Blogger Billy Canary said...

OOPS!!! I spelled Boo-Jwah wrong.

1:10 PM  
Blogger vivage said...

And the wayward son came home at 6:00 a.m. He was coming in the front door as I was getting out of bed.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

Your son has become a conceptual artist.

9:32 AM  
Blogger Billy Canary said...

A perpetual smartass.

9:50 AM  

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